Our patients love us!

Praise for Trish Twiford, MAc, LAc

I have consistently received acupuncture treatments from Trish Twiford for over 7 years.  I would never consider stopping the treatments and my relationship with her. My health and well-being have dramatically improved since working with her. Through Trish’s coaching and counseling I have a much better understanding of myself and am better able to understand and interact with those in my life. The clarity of my thinking and understanding of different situations is better. I am more mindful and empathetic of my and also others’ needs. Previously I was sometimes anxious and often overwhelmed; I can now approach every day in a calm and peaceful manner. My life feel less chaotic and less stressful.  

In addition to the positive psychological benefits of acupuncture I have learned so much about my body, body systems in general and health conditions. I was initially treated for chronic neck and back pain. Over the years it has significantly decreased and has almost totally gone away. If there is a flare-up, it is quickly resolved. Acupuncture has also help to alleviate my asthma and respiratory issues. With physical manipulation, exercise guidance, dietary suggestions and use of  herbal teas my symptoms are minimal if any. Besides acupuncture reducing my pain, it allows for a deeper and more restorative sleep.

I can’t imagine my life without acupuncture and Trish as my provider. The overall quality of my life has been enhanced and for this I am forever grateful.


Trish is truly fantastic!  She is skilled and knowledgable, and also down to earth and compassionate. Not only am I healthier since I started working with Trish but I also feel supported in body and soul. I am so lucky to have found Trish and I have no reservations in recommending Trish to others.

Acupuncture with Trish has been an amazing experience that has transformed my life in a few key ways. Our conversations and the acupuncture itself has helped me re-focus my attention on my body, which I had neglected and mistreated for years. It helped me make a number of lifestyle changes that have led to a better quality of life: doing yoga again, quitting a draining community board, scheduling time for reflection, better eating and sleeping habits. The way Trish uses acupuncture and philosophy behind it has also helped me re-frame difficult situations in my life and allowed me see them in a more positive, forgiving light. And acupuncture has increased my energy and ability to focus — especially during the winter months when my energy is usually very low.

I have been in treatment with Trish Twiford since May 2009 (and the journey continues!). In my treatments with Trish I am learning more than I ever imagined that I could or would from acupuncture. She has been a vehicle in helping me understand that treatment is about aiding my physical body in operating in its optimal state – supporting me in achieving day-to-day goals, dreams and healing. She has been my teacher, helping me to practice ‘living in the now’, self observation and using empowering language. The treatment plan that Trish is implementing for me as a unique individual and body provide a safe place for me to practice creating a balanced and fulfilling life.

I initially sought out acupuncture to alleviate a specific pain in my abdomen. However, I soon realized the power of acupuncture was greatly beyond that of a pain killer or temporary bandage. Through the help of Trish, I have quickly discovered that my body as a whole was capable of great healing when it was not interrupted, and instead supported, by my mind. To make this possible, my sessions at with Trish include well-tuned acupuncture treatments, nutrition advice, thoughts on self-reflection and relationships, and a professional yet compassionate atmosphere. It is rare to find such an experience that offers relief, healing, and personal growth. I am most grateful.

Trish Twiford has been my acupuncturist since 2010 and I have remained a patient for over two years. Throughout this time, she has treated my blood sugar levels, gallstones, urinary tract issues, and hormonal issues with huge success. I am a physically active person, so additionally Trish has treated numerous injuries since we met, effectively managing my pain through the use of her amazing skill as an acupuncturist. I highly recommend Trish and cannot imagine discontinuing my treatment program. What is not to love? Reduction of medication, reduction of pain and overall feeling of wellness has been mine to enjoy since joining her client list. Thank you Trish!

Trish Twiford provides more than just acupuncture, she uses a holistic approach to overall health that has helped me tremendously.  Trish has given me healthy strategies that help prolong the wonderful effects of my treatments and I have incorporated these into daily habits. I look forward to every treatment!
Felicia K.

Through acupuncture treatment, Trish creates the opportunity to reflect and get present to my mood, actions and experiences of the past few weeks, and notice how my body has responded. I have grown in my understanding of how responsive, intuitive and connected my body and mind are and that has helped me in my everyday life so often. My treatments are also the most peaceful and nurturing moments of the week.

Trish is a knowledgeable, gentle and engaged acupuncturist. She listens closely to spoken words and seems even more skilled at “listening” to my body, frequently telling me things about my system which she has learned by keen observation. Her treatments have proven very beneficial to me in lowering stress responses and relieving pain.

My daughter and I both came to Trish with specific pain to be addressed. After the first appointment, we both were sleeping better, feeling more energetic and had reduction in the symptoms that brought us to Trish. Trish is a joy to work with, funny, insightful and willing to share her knowledge.  Trish took the time to get to know us, treating the entire person, not just the symptoms. I highly recommend her for acupuncture and wellness coaching.

Trish is an amazing and gifted healer. You feel better just being around her. She is very skilled as well as intuitive. She has helped me with various conditions over the years. I highly recommend her.

Praise for Michael Perfetto, M.S.O.M., LAc

Right after knee replacement surgery, I went into physical therapy and the folks there were great, getting me to work up to range of motion that allowed me to use my new knee. However, they could not undo years of misalignment the old knee caused: back out of alignment, opposite hip out of alignment and even the surgical leg itself that had been misaligned for over a decade.

After I “graduated” from PT, I was still in need of some services to get back to 100% mobility and I heard about Tai Sophia from my business coach. I decided to give acupuncture a try again, having had success years before with dental issues and again with neck injuries.

Going to see Michael was like going to “Acupuncture Heaven.” He talked to my whole body, not just the injured part. He asked me questions about my whole life, not just the condition that brought me to see him. He told me the kinds of things he wanted to try and when he tried them, he told me what he was doing and listened to what I said as I was undergoing the process and he adjusted his procedures accordingly.

Since he was part of team – with him as the leader, I noticed how he talked to his uplines [teachers] and his downlines [those he was mentoring] and his calm demeanor, clarity of thought and speech worked in all directions. I improved a great deal under his care and sent him several referrals who love and praise him as much as I do.

I know he will be a credit to his institution, his colleagues and his future patients. I look forward to being one of the latter


I had been to several different doctors over the years with no relief. Within moments of meeting Trish, and reviewing my history and symptoms, she knew my problem. I’m so grateful she was able to help me! Trish treats me as a whole person, and not simply as a group of symptoms. I recommend Trish to friends and family frequently. She is exceptional!

When I first began working with Michael I was middle-aged, stuck, overweight and under-fit. Working with him has made me believe in the healing, energizing and restorative power of acupuncture (I’ll admit it; I was skeptical at first): It WORKS! Michael is adroitly skilled in his practice, but even more so, he is kind, compassionate and funny. He is a fantastic listener and he truly cares about his clients. I look forward to the days when “Acupuncture” is on my calendar as I know I will feel so incredibly good. My Chi is now energized and flowing again!

I have been going to see Michael for the last four months. I have had four back surgeries and suffer from chronic lower back pain. I was getting back injections monthly for the past two years. Since I have been seeing Michael, I have not needed any injections. He has also took care of some leg and neck pain that only took one visit each. He is a great Acupuncturist that really cares and works hard to get to the root of your issues.

My wife has asked me to try it for years but was not a believer, but Michael has definitely changed my outlook about acupuncture.

I would suggest anyone that is in pain to give Michael a try. You will be surprised how acupuncture can help.


Michael has been my acupuncturist for over a number of months. His kind and intuitive approach to healing has helped me greatly. I have IT Band syndrome and back pain which is not longer an issue largely because of Michael. He has also helped me with stress and anxiety. It is with great pleasure that I recommend Michael to you for acupuncture and wellness!!!!

I have received a few sessions for middle back pain. I have thoracic kyphosis, it causes an excessive curve in my spine. This curve causes very tense muscles, and it causes constant soreness and pain. The few sessions I attended (1 every week) helped me a lot with pain relief, and it has helped keep my muscles looser with less pain over the past few weeks. The sessions are relaxing, and Michael is very good with patients. He makes the atmosphere very calming. I would definitely recommend Michael to other people. He was very good and eased me into the whole experience of acupuncture.

I started as an acupuncture skeptic, but there is no doubt that I have experienced significant pain relief from sessions with Michael. I have primarily done deep pressure “gua sha” for neck and back pain, which I highly recommend. In addition to his serious technical knowledge, Michael is warm, friendly, and level-headed. He has been very respectful of my needs.

Talking with Michael is extremely relaxing. I have been motivated to make changes that removes stress from my life. I now meditate. He has moved the pain in my neck to other places where it doesn’t hurt as much and doesn’t last. My overall health has improved so much.

After practicing qigong and receiving acupuncture from several practitioners for many years, I am sensitive to energy work. Because of that, when I began to use Michael Perfetto for acupuncture I could tell that he works at deep levels of healing. I recently suggested that my grandson use Michael and he has responded beautifully to his verbal help as well as the acupuncture treatments. I do not hesitate to recommend Michael Perfetto to others.

I look forward to my appointments with Michael – it’s my hour of zen! I always know that he will listen to my concerns and provide me with a wonderfully supportive and calming atmosphere. I always feel so rejuvenated and relaxed after my treatments. Even if I am not feeling physically symptomatic at the time of my appointment, I still feel renewed and centered, mentally.

Before I started acupuncture, I had pain and swelling in both of my knees due to severe osteoarthritis, which affected my mobility and left me walking with a noticeable limp on bad days. Since my treatment I’ve noticed significant improvement in both my ability to move and walk unencumbered. No more limping!

Michael has made me realize that the body does indeed have the power to heal. It is an all encompassing process, a journey that we have to work at everyday. Some days are more challenging than others, but since I’ve begun my treatments, I have realized that I do have the capacity to heal and overcome other roadblocks that come way – be it health related, work related or personal.
