From Fear to Courage:Exploring the Water Element
with Trish Twiford Perfetto in partnership with How YOU Heal
Join us for our last phase in the 5 Element workshops with the Water Element.
Our bodies are deeply connected to the energy of the seasons. Right now, the wisdom of our bodies are sending us messages that it’s time to gather and collect our energy from our depths.
Winter in the northern hemisphere has already begun. Its energetic nature is one of contraction and going inward. Trees, plants, and animals gather their resources as a way to survive the colder and darker times ahead.
The season of winter is most connected with the element of Water. Water is life. Water is such an integral part of who we are, that it is sometimes so easy to forget its importance. And we’re not just talking about the water you drink.
A rushing river, a calm stream, a vast and deep ocean, a still lake– there are so many facets of the Water element. It is one of the most dynamic and shape-shifting of the 5 Elements. And as Chinese medicine always says, since all of these aspects exist in nature, they also exist within us. Each aspect has its own wisdom.
In this workshop, we will explore the different aspects of the water element and how to apply them to our wellness and lives. We hope you will join us!
In this conversation we will:
Learn about the Winter and Water element in the context of Classical Chinese Medicine
Learn the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the Kidney and Bladder organs systems.
Reflect on your relationship with Winter/Water and cultivate a deeper understanding of how to live well during this season and take advantage of its wisdom.
Experience a deep and restorative meditation to access your own deepest wisdom.
Explore how to transform fear into trust and courage.